Let us help you bring your future into focus.
MED-LOGICS, Inc. High Quality Ophthalmic Products
We offer premium products for Cataract Surgery, LASIK Surgery, and products for Donor Cornea Tissue. Below are the six main product categories and each contain their own suite of products.
Latest News
Take a look at our upcoming events and latest surgical videos.
Liquet Technologies
Company Spinoff
We are proud to announce that MED-LOGICS has spun off a company, called Liquet Technologies to focus on the cataract market with the CataPulse and associated technologies. Stay tuned, there are a lot of exciting things to come.

Conventions of 2025
We are excited to attend the conventions listed above during 2025 and hope to see you there. Feel free to reach out to find out our booth number and set up a meeting where we can demonstrate our high-quality ophthalmic devices. See you soon.