Product Codes:
19 Gauge with 15° Bend and .35mm Port: CP610SS-19035O
19 Gauge with 30° Bend and .30mm Port: CP630SS-19030P
21 Gauge, Simcoe Style and .30mm Port: CP6S0SS-210300
21 Gauge, Simcoe Style and .40mm Port: CP6S0SS-210400
23 Gauge, Simcoe Style and .30mm Port: CP6S0SS-230300
23 Gauge, Simcoe Style and .40mm Port: CP6S0SS-230400
21 Gauge Capsule Polisher, Simcoe Style and .40mm Port: CP6S0SS-21040P
23 Gauge Capsule Polisher, Simcoe Style and .40mm Port: CP6SOSS-23040P
These cortex aspiration cannulas either come with a specific bend or with a “Simcoe Style” gradual bend in the cannula. Choose between a .30mm, .35mm, and .40mm port.